Septiembre 4 - 10
Valle Sagrado de los INCAS
Cuzco, Perú
Dive into a powerful WEEK of deep, Transformative HEALING and become a certified
July 13 -20
8 days & 7 nights
Are you READY to Awaken your full potential as an embodied channel of LIFE FORCE ENERGY and Step into your Power as a
KA Facilitator?
UNLEASHING your Divine Healing Potential.
BLISSFULLY Awakening your UNIQUE Spiritual Gifts.
RESPONDING to your CALLING as healer.
Raising your FREQUENCY to new elevated states
Receiving Deep Transformational Healing
Learning to hold Sacred Space for others to heal

Our LUXURIOUS Boutique Resort
Kundalini Energy is receptive, feminine energy that awakens when we relax and SURRENDER.

Our OASIS where we will integrate after a day of moving so much energy, RELEASING and REBIRTHING.

Graduates integrate the KA modality to their healing offering packages.
Some just come for the PARADIGM SHIFT healing.
Others return to trainings to continue upleveling after witnessing how their life has transformed.

Begin Facilitating
Gain the TRUST to push PLAY on a new LIFE as a Leader.

Transform Lives
Helping loving souls release traumas from their physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Step Into Your Power
Claim your INNER HEALING abilities.

Meet Soul Family
UNBREAKABLE energetic bonds from lifetimes.

WHY KA Certification with Maria
When my Kundalini Started WAKING up, I didn't have the support, education or tools that are now easier to find. Despite my spiritual background and being a kundalini yoga teacher, I didn't know what was happening with my body and specially throat vocalizations.
This lead me to journey deeper and further around the globe ultimately finding the best spiritual guide which is my INNER GURU.
My training program is designed to Awaken the Guru in you who is a healer, a shaman, a mystic, a magician, a witch and all the wisdom that lives WITHIN that has attracted you to this page.
Many of us are REMEMBERING. We've done this before.
4 Sacred Pillars
Clearing our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies from traumas / stored emotions that block our KA "holographic" Channels from receiving higher frequencies. Maria's specialty through her intuitive healing channeling. The more we de-clog our channels, the more we awaken our Spiritual gifts we're here to share with the world.
Space TRUST & Ownership
Creating sacred space before any healing session. Moving the electric kundalini energy throughout the space. Clearing and energy disengaging after the KA session. Taking full accountability for your space holding.
Ancient Knowlege
Theoretical understanding of Life Force Energy vs. Kundalini Energy (KE) and how it shows up in ancient cultures. Intro to KE in your body, Cosmos and Earth plus how to utilize it. Becoming the ALCHEMIST that goes beyond logic surrendering to the MAGICAL UNFOLDING when we let go of control so the Higher Self can take over.
Soul Community
Being part of a soul family that is walking a similar paths makes for great support, specially when going through growth cycles of death and rebirth. Opportunities to collaborate and create more highly conscious moments.
When my Kundalini Awoke more aggressively, it wasn't pretty and it lasted over a year. I understand what you're going through. Know that you are being REBORN to your more authentic self.
This is one of the main reasons why I teach. So a bigger support network can be available worldwide as more and more souls are rapidly AWAKENING to their DIVINITY.
Self- Activations
Partner Activations
Group Activations
Opening and Closing Session
Signature Style
Receive Non-Dual KA Transmission
Knowledge & Protection
Kundalini vs. Life Force Energy
Nervous System & chakras
3 KA channels Intro
Protection & Clearing Space
Purging Symptoms & Trauma Release
Most common FAQ's
Continuous Training
After our WEEK training, we will continue meeting bi-weekly for 3 months.
Creating activating Playlists
KA Facilitating On-line
Give & Receive KA transmissions
Live Q&A's w/ Maria
Web Portal & More
Easy access to:
KA Facilitator Manual
Video recordings of lessons
Maria's music playlists
KA Logos
Featured on KA Website as Facilitator
Intro to KA Family Worldwide
Ana, San Diego
The KA immersive training was an EXTRAORDINARY experience.
Maria encouraged each person's DIVINITY to come through and show up to do the work. She was incredibly knowledgeable and articulate.
Sometimes these classes spend too much time lecturing, rather than in practicing, but thank you Maria for structuring the class to PRACTICE most of the time we were together so we could walk away confident.
I can't imagine a class that offers better value!
I look forward to coming back for more programs and classes in the future."
Rick, Orange
"I highly recommend Maria and her KA Facilitator training. She brought powerful, loving energy.
She has a beautiful SHAMANIC power that she brings to the space.At one point, Maria touched my back, and it felt like a bolt of LIGHTNING hit my spine as my electrical system was activated, my spine bent, and my body danced with electricity.
Maria deserves a 10-star rating.
Thank you for doing the work to bring transformation, healing, and growth to the world. I look forward to playing in the Kundalini energy in the future. "
Elliott, Beverly Hills
Thank you for leading such a beautiful KA training last weekend. KA is new to me and I'm just beginning to discover its TRANSFORMATIVE Powers.
I had such an emotional experience going deep within my subconscious. I saw childhood patterns that weigh me down today. Areas that I want to change in my life because they no longer serve me.
You provided a safe space where I could RELEASE GUILT. After the session, I felt so much love and light.
The NON-DUALITY exercise was really grounding, as if you were able to SLOW DOWN TIME and just be.
It was a great Segway into the following KA transmission. The music was amazing. The CACAO was so special. Basically everything was very well organized. Oh, and you were magical!
Thank you so much! ”
More testimonials at the bottom.

FIRST, does this sound familiar
You have a deep desire to share your spiritual gifts that are IN-THERE somewhere but don’t know where to begin
You are having unexplainable body experiences out of the ordinary
There’s a deep attraction to KA and can visualize yourself holding sacred space
You’re already an energy healer and KA is a next level modality to include in your offerings
You have an unexplainable pull to KA and every time you surrender to receive it only grows stronger
You watched a video, picture of KA and something inside of you awoke
Feel Ready to jump to that NEXT PHASE of EVOLUTION that's SOUL driven with constant synchronicities
It's time to shift paradigms by changing your inner world first!
Un retiro INICIÁTICO en el magnífico Valle Sagrado de los Incas para recuperar la memoria ancestral, desarrollar la conciencia y evolucionar espiritualmente. Un llamado a recibir las fuerzas de la energia divina femenina y masculina de la naturaleza y empoderarnos en el conocimiento de la Cosmovisión Andina y el Arco Iris Sagrado.

Personally, I come from the corporate world, straight out of college for 18+ years.
I have always been SPIRITUAL and suddenly a switch was flipped that was unexpected.
A FORCE BIGGER THAN ME had me divorced from my corporate life to FULLY IMMERSE into my SOUL VOCATION as a SPIRITUAL Leader.
But before getting to where I AM NOW, I was having the SAME questions and feelings you are having. I couldn’t sleep at night. Especially on eclipses because my body would not stop shaking, contracting and lifting.
When I attended ceremonies in Bali, Mexico, Peru, Egypt and many of the other spiritual places I’ve lived, I would see myself holding sacred space but didn’t know where to start.
I doubted myself, questioned what others would think, who am I to be in that position, narrowing it down to the belief I'm not WORTH IT.
WELL....I'm here to tell you that
If the desire is in YOU it’s because it ALREADY LIVES WITHIN YOU

A Glimpse at our BALI WEEK
The magic and mystical powers of the island have the potential to bring us into harmonic resonance. The sacred waters of Bali help us remember our true wild nature.
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Sample Day
Early Morning movement / yoga *optional
Breakfast plant based
Morning KA Energy teachings & practices
Lunch nourishing plant based
Afternoon KA Energy teachings & practices
Early evening before sunset is FREE TIME
INTEGRATION is KEY after back to back KA sessions where much energy is being moved.
Evening Options
Resort rest in the OASIS and stay calm
SPA book a therapeutic balinese massage
UBUD Visit the Spiritual Hub of Bali
Sunset gazing overlooking the river and valley
What if I have NO Experience
No Experience is necessary
All is an EVOLUTION and Quantum Leaps do happen
Those with a Spiritual practice tend to access deeper states of consciousness
The effects of the KA Transmissions will continue to work for the next several weeks
New Pathways of consciousness will be open and it's up to you to maintain
Once experienced, it can't be undone creating a SHIFT in Perspective resulting in a New REALITY
Take that LEAP of FAITH
The Powerful NATURE VORTEX of BALI will Catch You
Bali is an energy vortex that is also the location of the Earth's Kundalini energy, formed by its two large Ley Lines or Dragon Lines
which intersect and have great power, energy and balancing effects.
This center is thought to purify the blood of the Earth, and therefore in the cleansing and rejuvenation of our own soul and body as well.
Bali is essentially the "World Purification Center" - the location where the energy of the planet gets cleaned.
Ubud literally means "medicine" because according to the local tradition Ubud heals the body, the mind, and the soul.
Known as the spiritual, cultural and arts center of Bali, Ubud is where the island's pilgrims have traditionally come to drink the holy waters and bathe in the nearby holy springs, waterfalls & receive purifications, activations and deep healings from the land.
We will be on a breathtaking luxury boutique resort just outside the center of Ubud.
CONFIDENCE & TOOLS to start facilitating KA Healing sessions
Leave Space for MAGICAL surprise offerings.
July 13th - 20th, 2024
8 Days | 7 Nights

My name is Maria Palomino
I’m a WORLDWIDE Ceremonial Life Force Energy Healer. A KUNDALINI Activation Facilitator Trainer. Peruvian + Egyptian Priestess and Intuitive Channeler.
My passion as an Energy Healer is to Empower those seeking to AWAKEN their own divinity.
Holding sacred space for you to REMEMBER that you are the Self-Healer and ultimate Teacher.
Creator of your own reality with the Power & Wisdom to quantum leap your vibration to an ultra high frequency where healing and Spiritual Gifts Awaken simultaneously.
By the end of the retreat you will be equipped with the CONFIDENCE & TOOLS needed to start facilitating KA Healing sessions on family, friends and community both in-person and on-line.

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This Retreat is FOR YOU IF......

You're TRULY seeking or have been on a spiritual path
You understand we're creating a Sacred Container of high vibrational energy
Are ready to take that LEAP OF FAITH, ready or not, confronting your fears.
You're okay with VEGETARIAN served meals. Other options will be available at your own expense.
You understand that as WITHIN, so WITHOUT. Meaning that whatever your vibration is internally is what will be experienced externally. This is heightened in portals.
You are READY to write a New BOOK of LIFE full of AbunDANCE, JOY, Magic & Synchronicities.
Garden Rooms

Tropical, MODERN rooms. Air-conditioned with ensuite bathroom. Amazing tropical garden views with a rain head shower and built in wardrobe.
Soul Rooms

Boutique rooms with handcrafted furniture by local artisans mixed with antique pieces and modern decor.
Serenity Rooms

Ultra luxury rooms with private plunge pools, lush gardens, designer interiors and rain fall showers.