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Special NEW MOON KA Healing Ceremony




Come receive this nourishing, celestial, self-healing KUNDALINI energy on the LUNAR ECLIPSE in Scorpio, when the energy is AMPLIFIED to Release and MANIFEST! 



You will be creating your own offering to Mother Earth "Pachamama."


As an initiated INCA Priestess I'll be holding sacred space and have with me the sacred COCA LEAVES to open the sacred Inca Ritual.



*Gift Paper (any) around 11x11 or bigger

*Rose petals / Flower Petals

*Rice, beans, candy, seeds, fruits

*cinnamon, sugar

*Cotton, figurines or cut outs of what you'd like to manifest

*red & white liquids. wine or cranberry juice

*Threat or lace to wrap the offerings into the gift paper It's okay if you don't have certain paper, grains or flowers.


We will write  down with intention what we're bringing with the New Moon. 


I'm creating the, "Despacho" bringing the energy of EVERYONE in our sacred container.


You can receive the activation at ANYTIME & create the Despacho when your heart desires to do so.



KA BENEFITS vary from:


  • Emotional LIBERATION
  • Increased clarity 
  • Higher Focus,
  • Feelings of unconditional LOVE
  • Renewed BALANCE within oneself & external environment
  • HEIGHTENED of physical & mental energy
  • AWAKENING of spiritual gifts

KA has the potential to induce TRANSCENDENT states of awareness.



  • Drop into our hearts
  • Toning to open meridian channels

  • Scarab/Scorpion Chakra Clearing

  • Intention Setting

  • Surrender to receive the 1 hour Kunalini Activation transmission





  • Home - Find a place where you can lay down on a solid flat ground if possible. Avoid using a pillow. It’s better if your back is straight.

  • Sound - Very important to be able to hear the music loud. It’s okay to wear ear pods. 

  • Light - You may wear an eye cover if that’s a preference. However, it is required to maintain your eyes closed at all time to go within.

  • Food - Do not eat anything for at least 1.5 hours prior to the session. Preferably 3 hours. Drinking water is okay. Avoid caffeinated drinks. 

  • Attire - Comfortable clothes where you can move around in the ground, stretch your arms and lift your legs. No shoes. Wear clothes that will keep you warm since body temperature drops when you’re laying down.

  • Alcohol - Avoid for 24 hours prior to the session if possible for best results. 



The ABUNDANT UNIVERSE is testing to see if you really are READY to receive in a BIG WAY. Note your self-sabotaging patterns when we don't appreciate the little things in life. Every breath is a GIFT and an opportunity to be GRATEFUL!


Testimonials on Instagram.



Maria Palomino

Kundalini Activation Energy Healer



INCA Offering to Mother Earth "Pachamama" Shamanism

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