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Kundalini Activation Facilitator Near Me

KA Facilitators & KA Energy Healers

KA FACILITATORS have received a minimum of 3 months training. Learning to channel and sustain the Life Force Energy. All are accredited certified alumni having practiced transmitting the Vital Energy both in-person and on-line. 


All KA Facilitators have been trained lived  by Maria Palomino. 


KA Facilitators are trained to hold compassionate space for your Kundalini Awakening journey, knowing that ultimately your are the SELF-HEALER. 

KA ENERGY HEALERS have received a DOUBLE CERTIFICATION as a KA Facilitator and Energy Healer.  In addition to Facilitating KA, they also provide intuitive healing readings such as:

  • Aura Clearing

  • Chakra Balancing

  • Energetic Cord Removal

  • Contract Cancelling

  • New Belief Reprograming

An additional healing modality that compliments your soul evolutionary growth.​

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